Tef-Gel Corrosion Eliminator and Anti-Seize Lubricant - 20cc

Tef-Gel Corrosion Eliminator and Anti-Seize Lubricant - 20cc

Tef-Gel Corrosion Eliminator and Anti-Seize Lubricant - 20cc

In Stock: 35
Your Price: : $42.95

Tef-Gel is a Corrsion inhibitor and Anti-Seize lubricant that is perfect for kiteboarding hardware, specifically for your Foils and Foil boards. This is specifically designed for use on nuts/bolts of dissimilar metals. Not only does it prevent corrosion, siezing and galling of metal parts, it acts as a lubricant so that when you disassemble your foil, it comes apart as easily as it went together.


  •  20cc

Applications / Characteristics :

  • Prevents dissimilar/galvanic metal corrosion
  • Anti-Seize
  • PTFE based lubricant
  • Rust prevention
  • 100% dielectric properties up to 600 volts
  •  Prevents corrosion of electrical connections
  • Tef-Gel Has no expiration date
  • Impervious to many harsh chemicals
  • Cleans up easily with mineral spirits will not break down in water or detergents
  • Prevents seizing, galling and friction welding of metals
  • Certified H1 Lubricants (Food Grade) with incidental contact by the NSF international / nonfood compounds registration program
  • Tef-Gel can withstand temperature up to 350 Fahrenheit


  •  Industries Currently Using Tef-Gel: Aerospace, Aviation, Marine, Food Service, Power Generation, Transportation and Military - And now Kiteboarding!

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